Estate Details Available properties

Montacute Gardens, Stoke Sub Hamdon, Somerset, TA14 6QD

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Monatcute Gardens consists of 16 freehold houses each witheir own garage, private parking space and private rear gardens.

Facilities include an estate manager to look after the gardens and grounds.

Stoke sub Hamdon is an attractive village mentioned in Domesday as Stoche and set around Ham Hill. Here there is one of Britain's largest hill-forts with traces of a Roman villa and famous quarry with its honey coloured limestone. There is a coffee shop, pharmacy, post office and pubs and behind the high street is the priory destroyed in the 16th century and now owned by the National Trust.

Tenure: Freehold

General Information: If you want to call the management company direct call 01491 821150, or if you want to contact the development direct, call

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