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Byrony Place, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 7EA

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Bryony Place was completed in 1984 and consists of 39 bungalows and houses with local shops nearby

Facilities include a resident manager and emergency alarm service, and gardens. There is limited parking within the development. Local shops are within walking distance and the town centre is about a mile away.

Milton Keynes is a thriving town close to the M1 motorway and about twelve miles north-east of Buckingham. Its name derives from the de Cahaignes family who lived here in the twelth century when it was just a small village. The old village is mentioned in Domesday with its mill and was then known as Midueltone.

The area it now occupies was designated a New Town in the late 1960s and has seen fast growth with new industries and residential areas to the west of the original village. The town has a comprehensive shopping centre and parks and riverside walks. One of its great successes is the Open University which today is the UK's largest university for part-time higher education.


Tenure: Leasehold

General Information:

Byrony Place is managed by Hanover Property Management, Hempstead House, 2 Selden Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 4TN Tel. 01442 242 419

If you want to call the management company direct call 01480 223179, or if you want to contact the development direct, call

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Whilst every effort has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information provided, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information and before any decision to view is made please contact the agent, manager or developer direct to discuss the information in more detail.

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