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Chestnut House, Woodland Court, Overndale Road, Downend, Bristol, BS16 2RH

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Woodland Court consists of 46 studio, one and two bedroom apartments together with a residential care centre and guest suite spread through four buildings called Whitebeam House, Sycamore House, Hornbeam House and Chestnut House; and a central facilities and reception building called Oak Lodge. It is only 3 miles from the City centre.

Approached via a private driveway, Woodland Court occupies a quiet, secluded position in Downend on the north-eastern outskirts of the historic and cultural city of Bristol.

Facilities at Oak Lodge include a range of social and leisure facilities as well as the 'Village' restaurant, bar and lounge, hairdressing salon, library, therapy centre, games room, laundry room, small shop and visiting doctor's surgery. Safety and security have been given a high priority at Woodland Court. All properties are accessed through Oak Lodge. In addition to an entry phone system and a 24 hour emergency alarm, residents have a 'hotel-style' intercom service linking them to the reception area.

Bristol  dates from early Anglo-Saxon times when there was a large Roman settlement at Seaford Mills and possibly a camp at Clifton. During the Middle Ages the city was the scene of many clashes between warring factions and its castle, now destroyed, was once one of the greatest in England. in 1552 the Society of Merchant Adventurers was incorporated by Royal Charter and through the next two centuries more than 10,000 emigrants departed from the port to settle the Americas.

The city's 19th century fame rests largely with Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the most famous engineer of the Victorian era. He built the Great Western Railway, Clifton Suspension Bridge and his vessel, the SS Great Britain is in the City Docks.

Today Bristol is a thriving industrial and commercial city and although the docks have moved to Avonmouth and Royal Portbury smaller vessels recall the City's maritime past. With a wealth of fine architecture and with excellent leisure and cultural amenities the city remains a magnate for all generations.

Tenure: Leasehold

General Information:

Woodland Court is managed by Brunelcare, Saffron Gardens, Prospect Place, Whitehall, Bristol BS5 9FF. Tel: 0117 914 4200


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Whilst every effort has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information provided, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information and before any decision to view is made please contact the agent, manager or developer direct to discuss the information in more detail.

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