Estate Details Available properties

Brampton View , Brampton Lane, Chapel Brampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8AA

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    Location County Care Level Type Beds Price
  Brampton View ,
Brampton Lane, Chapel Brampton,
Close Care Apartment 2 £175,000
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  Brampton View ,
Brampton Lane, Chapel Brampton,
Close Care Apartment 2 £175,000
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  Brampton View ,
Brampton Lane, Chapel Brampton,
Close Care Apartment 2 £159,950
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Brampton View View is situated off Brampton Lane within the grounds of Brampton Care Home . The development consists of 34 bungalows and flats with communal facilities completed in 2008.

Facilities include a visiting manager and emergency alarm system with portable alarms, secure entry system, lift, residents' lounge, communal vehicle, double glazing, allocated parking and cinema room.

Chapel Brampton is a small village about four miles north of Northampton which is recorded in Domesday as having 14 derelict burgess's houses out of a total of 61. At the time it was known as Hamtun meaning 'home farm or homestead' with the 'north' being added in the 11th century to distinguish it from Southampton.

Northampton is situated on the River Nene and has a long history with various battles being fought here and one of the Eleanor Crosses can still be seen at Hardingstone. It is the county town famed for the manufacture of shoes dating back to the Middle Ages. The famous poet, John Clare, spent the last years of his life at St Andrews Asylum. The town centre has some attractive buildings largely built after a major fire in the 17th century.

Tenure: Leasehold

General Information:

Brampton View is managed by Peverel Retirement, Queensway House, 11 Queensway, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 5NR Telpehone: 0845 634 8751

If you want to call the management company direct call 0333 321 4041, or if you want to contact the development direct, call

Please note:
Whilst every effort has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information provided, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information and before any decision to view is made please contact the agent, manager or developer direct to discuss the information in more detail.

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