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Chapel Close, Carpenters Lane, Bratton, Wiltshire, BA13 4RA

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Bratton : Bratton is first recorded in the 12th century and probably derived its name from 'farmstead by newly cultivated ground'. It is about two miles east of Westbury at the foot of the Salisbury escarpment and below the site where the Battle of Edington was fought in May 878 when Alfred the Great defeated the Danes. The village has an inn and post office and store and there are regular buses to Westbury which has a comprehensive shopping centre. Westbury also has a mainline railway station.

Facilities : These include estate management services and emergency alarm system and small private gardens.

Access : Bratton is about two miles east of Westbury and about ten miles from Devizes. Trowbridge is about five miles and Warminster six miles. Fast trains to London (Paddington) take less than an hour and a half.

Chapel Close : Chapel Close is a small retirement development built in 1990 by Village Green plc. It is next to the Baptist Chapel a short walk from the centre of the village. Altogether there are six new cottages and a converted Manse and each of the cottages have parking spaces.

Tenure: Leasehold

General Information:

Chapel Close is managed by the Baptist Housing Assocaition, c/o Chapel Close, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire.

If you want to call the management company direct call , or if you want to contact the development direct, call

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Whilst every effort has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information provided, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information and before any decision to view is made please contact the agent, manager or developer direct to discuss the information in more detail.

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