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Deed House, London Road, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6HD

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  Deed House,
London Road,
Independent Apartment 1 £73,950
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Deed House consists of 19 one and two bedroom flats renovated in 2005 with shared facilities and close to shops.

Facilities include non-resident management staff and community alarm service, lift, lounge, laundry and garden.

Maldon is an historic town at the head of the Blackwater and where in 991 the English were defeated by the Danes. It is just a short walk to the salt marshes off Northey Island where the Vikings landed. Today Maldon is a very attractive town with many historic buildings and a fine church with the only triangular tower in England. It also commemorates Britnorth, the defeated hero of the Battle of Maldon, with a fine statue in the west wall.

The historic towns and villages of this part of Essex are all within easy reach, including the major centres of Chelmsford and Colchester. The attractive towns and villages of the Dengie Peninsula, such as Burnham and Tollesbury, are also close by

Tenure: Licence

General Information:

Deed House is managed by Maldon Housing Association.

If you want to call the management company direct call 01621 840247, or if you want to contact the development direct, call

Please note:
Whilst every effort has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information provided, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information and before any decision to view is made please contact the agent, manager or developer direct to discuss the information in more detail.

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